An Unwanted Gift?
Have you ever received a gift you never wanted or asked for? Tell me about the situation. What was it? Who gave it to you? How did you handle it?
One time i got a gift from my friend and she got my a labrador calender for my birthday. Of course she had a yellow lab and her dog rupert was brand new. I never told her i wanted a calender for my birthday and she got me one the next year too because she noticed that I didn't like the labrador calender as much as she did so she got me a calender with a multiple f dogs. She actually bought it online and had it mailed to her house and she even opened the gift before she gave it to me. I was kinda surprised like why are you opening my fricken gift like its my birthday. then my friends dog died from a car accident and she asked me if she could keep the labrador pictures from the calender. We were so different as friends that made us drift apart because we only became friends because of our brothers were friends and born in the same hospital.